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Add and Subtract Within 20 (Fact Families) Version 2

Add and Subtract Within 20 (Fact Families)

Verse One
In the house of the Fact Family
there lives a 5, an 8, and a 3.
Whether 3 + 5 or 5 + 3,
The sum is 8, as it will always be.

8 minus 5 equals 3, and 8 minus 3 equals 5;
they reside on Fact Family Drive,
on a rocky Mathlantic coastline.

Fact families are related facts:
They add together, or they subtract!
There are different ways they can be arranged,
but the fact family doesn’t change!

Verse Two
At the neighbors' right next door,
live a 13, a 9, and a 4.
Whether 4 plus 9 or 9 plus 4,
13 is their sum forevermore.

13 minus 4 equals a difference of 9, and 13 minus 9 equals 4;
They adore living near the shore,
and diving deep to the ocean floor.
