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Line Plots Song | 2nd Grade Math Video

Birdwatching and the recording of bird height measurements are the themes of Numberock's 2nd Grade Line Plots Song. Naturally, right? Numberock is going to send you out with Barry, our local field guide and official line plot expert, who uses a ruler placed next to his birdfeeder to capture measurement data from 12 goldfinches and 9 bullfinches.

After gathering the necessary data, Barry takes us through the steps of writing the measurement data down on a tally chart before finally placing the data on a line plot. He never forgets to label the unit and write a title to make sure the data is properly recorded for future reference. We hope your kids like this song written and animated in a different style than many of our other videos.

In some parts of the world, line plots are called dot plots.

Line Plots Song Lyrics

Verse One
I found the height of twelve goldfinches
by measuring their height in inches.
I recorded the data I found:
On a tally chart, I wrote the data down;
and then I wrote that data on a line plot,
where X’s showed each data point I got.

A data point is a number - a measurement of something we want to find -
and we can write those numbers as data above a number line.
Label the unit, write a title, and we’ve got…
a line plot!

Verse Two
I found the height of nine bullfinches
by measuring their height in inches.
I recorded the data I found:
On a tally chart, I wrote the data down;
and then I wrote that data on a line plot,
where X’s showed each data point I got.

Learn More

Are you interested in further extending this topic beyond the video you are currently watching? If so, we recommend an activity from our friends at Illustrative Mathematics that works great when students have a partner to pair up with.

This video aligns to a 2nd Grade Common Core learning standard; 2.MD.9. To understand the exact requirements of this standard, read the exact wording of common core standard 2.MD.9 here.

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